About Us


Incredible deals

We've put together a team to hunt the best deals anywhere in your city, package up the savings and serve them up in to your inbox daily.

We think it's an exciting and fun way to see, do, eat, revive and indulge yourself with the best your city has to offer. Simple really!

How do we choose a deal?

Vip4us.com philosophy is simple: To make it easy for people to do the things that make life fun!

Our guide to an incredible deal is based on 3 principles: Would we ourselves want to buy it? Does it give us a chance to try new things? Does it allow us to learn more about the local culture?

We also ask: Is it great value? Is the business reputable? Will the experience be memorable? Is the product the best of its kind?

In a nutshell we want your experience to be special – so that you enjoy and come back to our site and business partners.